
This page goes through all the important details of a Supplementary Report that you’ll need to input to create a case in your service platform. Supplementary Reports are requested when a claimant provides additional information and/or additional questions are posed that weren’t addressed in the original report. Although it is best to fill out as much information as you can, not all fields within a Supplementary Report case needs to be filled out immediately. Certain fields must be filled in order for a case to be created. 


  • To provide a step-by-step process of fields that must be entered for a Supplementary Report case to be created

How to Create a Supplementary Report Case 

On the home page, “Book a Service” is defaulted as opened. A list of services should appear below.. Click “Supplementary Report”.

Important Details to Add when Creating a Supplementary Report Case

Each section contains expandable lists that contain information that you should fill out when creating a supplementary report case. You’ll only need to fill in details in Section 1(Claim Details) to create a case. If you’ve already got the paperwork to send to the specialist you can attach that in Section 2(Paperwork and Report). Lists with a red asterisk contains fields that are mandatory in order to create a case. Fields that you should/require to write are shown on this page.

  • Fill in details in relation to the original report:
    • The specialist who wrote the report
    • the original case’s number
    • the report’s completion date
  • Select your specialist who will write the supplementary report
  • If your claimant has their profile created already, you can add the claimant to the case by searching through the list of claimants.
  • The claimant’s details will be automatically added once selected
  • If your claimant hasn’t been created already in MAG Connect, hover over “Add/Edit” and click “Add Claimant”
  • For more information on the contents of a New Claimant form, go to “Create A New Claimant


  • Note: Once you’ve created a new claimant and need to edit their details, you’ll need to inform MAG Staff to help update their details
  • Fill in as much information as you can about the claim:
    • Reference/Claim Number
    • Type of Claim
    • Injury Description
  • Add additional booking notes if required
  • You can immediately attach the paperwork to the case and send to the specialist or attach at a later date if unavailable
  • Documents to attach:
    • Letter of Instruction (LOI)
    • Original Reports
  • Click “Upload/View”
  • Either:
    • Drag and Drop the file into the blue box
    • Click within the blue box to browse for your file(s) on the computer
    • Max 50MB
  • If the file size is too large, type in a download link to share (to OneDrive, Google Drive etc.)
  • If there are only download links to send the paperwork, you’ll need to tick this box to send an email to the specialist with the paperwork download links

When done, Click “Save” to create the new case, “Close” to cancel.