
This page goes through all the important details of a Clinical Records Retrieval that you’ll need to input to create a case in your service platform. Although it is best to fill out as much information as you can, not all fields within a Clinical Records Retrieval case needs to be filled out immediately. Certain fields must be filled in order for a case to be created. 


  • To provide a step-by-step process of fields that must be entered for a Clinical Records Retrieval case to be created

How to Create a Clinical Records Retrieval Case

On the home page, “Book a Service” is defaulted as opened. A list of services should appear below.  Click “Clinical Record Retrieval”.

 Important Details to Add to Create a Clinical Records Retrieval Case

  • If your claimant has their profile created already, you can add the claimant to the case by searching through the list of claimants.
  • The claimant’s details will be automatically added once selected
  • If your claimant hasn’t been created already in your service platform, hover over “Add/Edit” and click “Add Claimant”
  • For more information on the contents of a New Claimant form, got to “Create A New Claimant
  • Fill in as much information as you can about the claim:
    • Type of Claim
    • Injury Description
    • Requested CR and Date Range
    • Employer of Claimant
  • Select your CR Provider with a contact email to send a request (either hospital or specialist)
  • Tick “Sending Request to This Provider”
  • If you need a Letter of Authority template, tick the box
  • Otherwise, attach the following documents:
    • Letter of Authority (LOA)
    • Other Documents
  • Click “Upload/View”
  • Either:
    • Drag and Drop the file into the blue box (PDF only)
    • Click within the blue box to browse for your file(s) on the computer
    • Max 50MB

When done, Click “Save” to create the new case, “Close” to cancel.